dontkillspike Jan 06, 2023 12:13
#studio, #anyobjections, #sullivanmarsters, #gotr, tv: millennium pics, cast: james marsters, tv: angel, james marsters tweets/posts, #cheekbones, #jamesmarsters, #happybirthdayjoeflanigan, #charismacarpenter, #behindthescenes, sullivan marsters, cast: kristine sutherland, #albumrecording, #idletthem, #knittingfactory, #buffythevampireslayer, #millennium, event: comic con wales 2022, #albumsix, #bts, #kevinmcpherson, #ghostoftherobot, #eccc, #theyseemtoknowwhattheyredoing, twitter updates, james marsters pics, #no, #studiophotography, #buffy, #art, #theyretryingtotakeovertheworld, #kristinesutherland, james marsters, cast: charisma carpenter, ghost of the robot video, #anartistlookingartsywhilemakingart, #gotrmusic, #motionpassed, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, james marsters video, #honestly, #comicconwales, event: eccc 2023, #eccc2023, ghost of the robot pics, tv: millennium
dontkillspike Aug 09, 2022 12:00
#btvs, #andpossibly, #andiamhereforit, twitter updates, #mumdadandthekidsjustoutfora, #sarahmichellegellar, cast: james marsters, james marsters pics, james marsters tweets/posts, #jamesmarsters, #buffy, #wales, event: fandom fest ny 2022, #sleepdeprived, james marsters, #scruffyjames, #um, tv: buffy, #pubcrawl, #unshaven, twitter, cast: amber benson, #spike, #comicconwales, #buffythevampireslayer, event: comic con wales 2022, #inatanktop, #ccw2022, #collectormania, tv: buffy pics
dontkillspike Aug 08, 2022 12:00
#andpossibly, #andiamhereforit, twitter updates, #sullivanmarsters, cast: james marsters, james marsters pics, #scruffyjamesftw, james marsters tweets/posts, #jamesmarsters, #mostoftherobot, #wales, event: fandom fest ny 2022, #newyork, #sleepdeprived, james marsters, #wedontseeenoughofit, #scruffyjames, sullivan marsters, #sadface, #unshaven, twitter, james marsters video, #spike, #comicconwales, #whichisjust, #fandomfestny, event: comic con wales 2022, #inatanktop, #ccw2022, #collectormania
dontkillspike Aug 07, 2022 12:00
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dontkillspike Aug 06, 2022 23:02
reports pics and videos, cast: james marsters, james marsters pics, event: comic con wales 2022, james marsters, james marsters video
dontkillspike Aug 06, 2022 12:00
twitter updates, movie: dragon warriors pics, cast: james marsters, #dragonwarriors, movie: dragon warriors, #jamesmarsters, #vidiots, #wales, #cassandraclare, james marsters, #pleaseandthankyou, #maclainnelson, #greenscreen, sullivan marsters, james marsters fanart, tv: buffy, #ccwales, twitter, james marsters video, #andthatlovelypurpleshirtjameswears, #comicconwales, #williamshakespeare, #morejamesinpurple, #happybirthdayjonathansilverman, #romeoandjuliet, #shakespeare, event: comic con wales 2022, #dudesanddragons, #ccw2022
dontkillspike Aug 05, 2022 12:00
#ottawacomiccon2022, cast: james marsters, #jamesmarsters, #mostoftherobot, cast: andy hallett, #jamesneedstonarrateallthethings, #cassandraclare, #angel, #steveharrington, #spike, #williamshakespeare, #andyhallett, #ripandyhallett, event: comic con wales 2022, twitter updates, #ottawa, #angeltheseries, james marsters pics, #shadowhunters, #ottawacomiccon, #chance, james marsters, james marsters newsletter, #authors, james marsters upcoming events, #ottawacc, james marsters video, twitter, #lordofshadows, #romeoandjuliet, #shakespeare, james marsters cameo, #getonthat
dontkillspike Aug 04, 2022 12:00
#slaythevampires4, #ottawacomiccon2022, twitter updates, #ottawa, cast: james marsters, james marsters pics, james marsters tweets/posts, #ottawacomiccon, event: ottawa comiccon 2022, #giveaway, #jamesmarsters, #buffy, event: cloudscon buffy 2022, #happybirthday, event: fandom fest ny 2022, james marsters, #strangerthings, #threeinches, #stv4, #steveharrington, #marvelsrunaways, twitter, #whitetanktopftw, #mumpose, event: comic con wales 2022, james marsters cameo
dontkillspike Jul 30, 2022 12:00
#happybirthdaydeanhaglund, #ghostoftherobot, movie: high plains invaders pics, twitter updates, #sullivanmarsters, #gotr, cast: james marsters, #julietlandau, #jamesmarsters, character: spike, james marsters, #fancyhatsmotherfuckers, #highplainsinvaders, ghost of the robot video, sullivan marsters, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, #davidboreanaz, twitter, james marsters video, #comicconwales, movie: high plains invaders, event: comic con wales 2022, #ccw2022
dontkillspike Jul 29, 2022 17:56
cast: james marsters, event: comic con wales 2022, james marsters